the writing of john scott ridgway and his mental demons -- gilford tuttle, white male christian, and johnny pain -- punk serial killer with a penchant for vegetible molestation.

Got this from my dear neighbor Gordon Today, whose high votes in the aldermanic race here in town broke the strangle hold Daly's lackies have had on ROGER'S PARK... FORCING A RUN OFF ELECTION!!!!

Letting this dude like you and me run with the flacid big boys who you would all be proud to have as a neighbor --

His family saved my dear siberian husky, ruby dog, one dark night when she escaped from me. This breed is wild, more than half wolf, and they have no natural enemies where they are from -- they hunt the polar bears, who are at the top of the frozen food chain... as a result, they will run fearlessly right in front of cars...

You can actually -- and this is not HYPRBOLE -- trust this man with the life of those you love ... and that is what you are doing when you vote.

I truste this man AND HIS FAMILY accidently, with a life I trust to no one... and was rewarded with the return of a great love... who knows what his service will bring to you?

Dear Neighbors,

I thank all of the 49th ward residents who came out to vote. Whether you voted early or on a cold Tuesday, February 27, you exercised our most precious American right – the right to vote. Your votes put me in an aldermanic run-off election with the incumbent on Tuesday, April 17. You showed that not only is change is possible, but given the close results, that every vote truly does count.

I thank all our Gordon campaign volunteers, the women and men, the students and seniors, the renters and homeowners, all the moms and dads who have been with us for a year, and those that recently joined our campaign.

I thank all our campaign supporters who held Gordon coffee meetings in their homes, shared Gordon campaign literature with a neighbor, or wrote large and small checks to help us pay our union-shop for the printing.

Finally, I thank and congratulate aldermanic candidates Jim Ginderske and Chris Adams and all of their volunteers and supporters for their tremendous work to raise important issues and encourage residents to vote.

Today, I look forward to a united, grassroots, community-based campaign to reclaim the 49th ward aldermanic office for the citizens of this ward who have waited for 16 years to have an alderman who listens and responds to their needs first.

The day after the election we were swamped with emails, phone calls, and visits from residents coming into our office at 1600 W. Morse Ave. for the first time. Most people are sending us their support, pledge to “Vote Gordon” on April 17, and are offering to help campaign with us.

Next week we’ll have some details about the next steps to help win the election on April 17. For now, it certainly makes sense to start making lists of what you can do to help - gather your phone, address and email contact lists of your neighbors and friends.

Again thank you for your vote and your support.


Don Gordon

© 2007 Citizens to Elect Don Gordon. All Rights Reserved. Home | Privacy Policy | Terms | Contact

A copy of our report is or will be available for purchase from the Cook County Clerk, 69 West Washington Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60602 or from the Illinois State Board of Elections. Photo of sandwiches by Elias Minasi.

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